Powered by Smartsupp Bulk Organic Wheat Grain - Wheat Flour For Sale


Gloogal Market Traders Export Wheat Grain and White Flour fit for Human Consumption and Animal Feed, Origins: (Ukraine).

Organic wheat for Sale | wheat Exporter

Price : 200-350 per MT

wheat crop has the potential to exceed 7 million tonnes and reach a record.

Contact us today for high quality wheat grain at fantastic prices!

We offer 5 different grades of  Wheat:

1: 14.5% protein / 32% wet gluten

2: 13.5% protein / 28% wet gluten

3: 12.5% protein / 23% wet gluten

4: 11% protein / 18% wet gluten

5: Feed wheat. No min. protein/gluten

There are many different varieties of wheat, each of which has different protein contents and kernel colours.

There are two primary categories: winter wheat and summer wheat, which are classified based on their growing season. They are sub-categorized based on hardness, colour, and shape. You can find information on these subcategories in the table below.

Type of Wheat and Properties

Soft red winter wheat:

This type of wheat has baking properties which make it suitable as an ingredient

in baked goods like cakes, pastries and cookies.

Hard red winter wheat:

This type of wheat is grown in low temperatures and snow-covered regions.

It has high protein content and is used for products like general purpose flour,

flatbreads and cereals. It’s also the most important type of wheat produced in

the United States.

Hard red spring wheat:

This type of wheat is produced in hot, dry climates. It’s gluten

characteristics make it a good choice for use in food products like bagels,

croissants and pizza crusts.

Soft white wheat:

Sweeter and softer than other types of wheat. It’s low in protein

and gluten which makes it great for more exquisite pastries and

cakes, as well as Asian noodles

Hard white wheat:

This type of wheat has slightly less protein and is less bitter than hard red

wheat. It’s used in softer loaves such as pan loaves.

Durum wheat

This type of wheat has more protein than any other type and is used to make pasta.


Contact Us To order Our flours are made from a.) hard, high-protein varieties of wheat (strong flours which have a higher gluten content) and b.) softer, low-protein wheat (weak flours which are lower in gluten)

Bread flour

Bread Flour

Bread flour is a strong flour, meaning that it has a relatively high gluten content—usually around 13 to 14 percent. A handful of bread flour will feel coarse and will look slightly off-white. Bread flour is used for making crusty bread and rolls, pizza doughs, and similar products.

One cup of bread flour will weigh around 5 ounces or 140 grams.

Cake Flour for sale

Cake flour

Cake flour is made from soft wheat and has a lower gluten content—around 7.5 to 9 percent. Its grains are visibly finer than bread flour, and it is much whiter in color. Its fine, soft texture makes it preferable for tender cakes and pastries.

One sifted cup of cake flour will weigh around 3.5 ounces or 99 grams.

whole wheat flour for sale

Whole wheat flour

Whole wheat flour comes in two varieties: 100 percent whole wheat flour and white whole wheat flour. One hundred percent whole wheat flour is made from hulled red wheat grain. It provides more fiber and other nutrients than all-purpose flour. Generally speaking, it makes for heavier bread and baked goods and has a shorter shelf life than all-purpose flour. Whole wheat flour is often mixed with all-purpose flour for a lighter texture and better rising. White whole wheat flour is made from hulled white spring wheat, it has a milder taste and lighter color compared to 100 percent whole wheat flour.

One cup of whole wheat flour will weigh 4 ounces or around 113 grams. 

Self Rising Flour for sale

Self-rising flour 

Self-rising flour is peculiar. It’s ordinary all-purpose flour that has baking powder and salt added to it. Intended as a convenience, it’s anything but—the main problem is that there’s no way to control how much baking powder it contains.

NOTE – When stored in your pantry, the baking powder in the flour will quickly lose its effectiveness as a rising agent. .

Pastry flour for sale

Pastry flour

Pastry flour is slightly stronger than cake flour, at around 9 to 10 percent gluten. It can be used for biscuits, muffins, cookies, pie doughs, and softer yeast doughs. It has a slightly more off-white color than cake flour.

One sifted cup of pastry flour will weigh just over 3.5 ounces or around 101 grams.

all purpose wheat flour for sale

All-purpose flour

All-purpose flour is formulated to have a medium gluten content of around 12 percent or so. This makes it a good middle-of-the-road flour that can be used for a whole range of baking, from crusty bread to cookies to fine cakes and pastries. Even though all-purpose flour is a good general flour, most professional bakers don’t use all-purpose flour. Most professional bakers use either bread flour, cake flour, or pastry flour, depending on what they are baking.

One sifted cup of all-purpose flour should weigh around 4.5 ounces or 125 grams.